Friday, December 17, 2010


I was reluctant to get out of bed this morning.  Yesterday my ribs were aching so much that I had to breathe shallowly.  I slept OK, but really just wanted to snuggle back down under the down comforter for some more zzz's instead of going to PNS.  I'm very glad that I did not snuggle back into my bed because we ended up getting a 2 point quiz in PNS today!  That is really unusual.  Dr. Schmiedel's past pattern is to give the quiz in the week before the upcoming exam.  We just had our exam the first Friday of December and won't have the next until the second Tuesday after break.  So we were very surprised and over half the class wasn't there.  Two of my friends missed the quiz, sadly, because they are re-taking the class, too, and could have used the points.

I stopped by the Clinic after class to get adjusted.  It took several attempts and methods, but my thoracics, which had subluxated anteriorly, finally cooperated.  I am feeling better now, but am still craving a little more sleep...

I went to Wallace's Garden Center afterward and picked up a few of their Christmas items that were marked down to 20-40% off.  I love going in there and just browsing for when I have time (which is not often).  They have such creative people on their staff who put together beautiful displays.  After blogging, I'm going out to the garage to pick up the things I'll be using to put together the gifts we'll be giving this year and I'll get that set up on the dining room table before I leave to head back to Palmer to judge the Admissions contest.

The prizes for the contest are great!  One is a day off work, others are an overnight stay at the Radisson, half days off work.  I wouldn't mind winning any of those and I'm sure that everyone who decorated her/his (more ladies than gentlemen in the department) cubicle will be delighted to win.  It will be fun to be part of it!

Once the judging is over, I'm headed out with my friends Trine, Sheila, and Jen to celebrate Christmas, Jen's Birthday, the Break and some time off school.  We are very much looking forward to hanging out together and having some girl-chat over Mexican food - yum!

When I get home, I'll get to work on the Christmas present project & I might go ahead and wrap the things I picked up at a garage sale for Lani this Fall.  I remember that one of the items was a Melissa and Doug wooden "paper" doll set.  The dolls & their clothes are magnetic and they have multiple outfits.  I know she will have fun with that.  And I also found some more train cars and figures to go with her Thomas the Tank Engine train set she has.  She loves getting it out and setting it up and driving the train on the track.  I can't remember what else was in the bag;  I hid it about 3 months ago.

I have to get the laundry done today, too, because we'll be headed to Peoria sometime tomorrow morning for our Christmas with Jon's dad and stepmom.  Will be nice to see everyone and visit.  Looking forward to going.  Jon hasn't decided if we'll stay the night or not.  It doesn't matter to me either way, but it would be nice to get to go to our church on Sunday morning.  If we don't, we can always go to the wonderful church that Jeff and Mariola attend.  We really like it, too.

Headed out to the garage...brrrr!

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