Friday, February 18, 2011

First Day of Finals

I am happy to report that I took my first final today in Phys Di.  It was at 9:00 am and it was a tough final.  I started reviewing for it last night, because I've been done with the actual reading for this test for sometime.  However, because I like Mosby's so much, I have been reading on and it is so interesting.  I like the chapters on putting all that you've learned together.  I think I like that because I can be really detail-focused, but I am truly more of big-picture kind of person.  I don't like studying minutae without knowing the how it fits with the rest of the whole.  I think that is part of why Gross and Spinal Anatomy classes were so difficult for me, because I have a tough time with rote memorization.  I need the information to be relevant.

So I've been studying PNS and Phys Di the past few days.  I went over the differential diagnoses last night and reviewed hair, skin, and nails this morning before going in for the final.  I didn't feel as confident as I could have.  However, I did well enough:  I got 62 out of 74 possible and earned my A by 6 points.  I'm very pleased with that, as Phys Di is a 10 credit course and I can use the good quality points, which will help my GPA.

Tonight, I'm going to spend even more time studying PNS.  Really need to do well on that final on Monday.  I'm really jonesing to go see "Unknown" but not sure that tonight will work out.  Might have to be tomorrow night.  Gotta get back to studying now...

1 comment:

  1. Is Phys Di, and PNS a huge part of the program. I've been reading that you have been studying these subjects for a while. Can you also tell a little more detail on the information you have to know.
