Thursday, December 16, 2010

Cervicals Practical

Today at noon is the Cervicals practical.  I'm nervous.  We have five set ups to perform, one motion palpation and we have to perform the thrust we would use in the air if asked.  What happens is we are told a listing, and we have to set up a partner in position on the knee-chest bench, the cervical chair, the hylo bench, or the pelvic bench ( this website shows 3 of the items, if you scroll down to Treatment Room #1 and the hydraulic table pictured just below is a hylo).  After we put the patient on the appropriate chair/bench, then we have to position them as though he/she were to be adjusted with the listing information given.  Then we have to hold that position until one of the three doctors comes to check our work and then they quiz us with questions concerning the set-up, such as:  "What is DS (doctor stance)?  What is CP (contact point)?  What is LOC (Line of Correction)?" and we have to answer.  Just thinking about it is making my stomach upset...

I have Tox next hour and will head home to review my Cervical notes & practice my thrusts on my speeder board (here's a pic:  What is different about Cerv class than Toggle is that we practice thrusting while holding the speeder board in the other arm/hand.  In Toggle, the speeder board was on the bench, so we used both hands in the thrust.  Also, with Toggle, you are taught to recoil quickly from your thrust, but in Cerv, you are taught to thrust and hold.  It can be a challenging transition.

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